$274.00 USD

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Gene Shape Group Program

Next Live Group: June 2022

Gene Shape Group Program is an 8-Week, immersive experience of LIVE classes with other women, exploring themes of health, spirituality, self-care, acceptance and belonging.

You will learn how to eat for your body’s needs, at the genetic and cellular level and use breath strategically to reduce stress, heal anxiety and reset your nervous system response to create deep and lasting change.

  • Week 1: Welcome
  • Week 2: Within
  • Week 3: Open
  • Week 4: Structure
  • Week 5: Release
  • Week: 6 Expand
  • Week 7: Reflect
  • Week 8: Balance

This program is for you if:

  • You are seeking community and thrive in group environments.
  • You already have the basics figured out and are looking for a tune-up, reset or to go deeper in your wellness journey.
  • You are a health and wellness practitioner, and would like to experience other techniques to share with your community and practice.
  • You don’t have a supportive community of family or friends and would like a safe space to share your journey.
  • You have a flexible schedule and can accommodate a specific meeting time each week.
  • You are ready to make positive changes and are a self-starter who doesn’t feel the need for as much gentle hand-holding and intimate 1:1 attention.

Mind | Body Therapy Students:

Don't wait to invest in yourself! I have spent so much time and money on diets, self-help books, and gym memberships. The cost of working with Lauren was a fraction of that and it has changed my life.


This isn't some miracle program, that will make you an OMing supermodel. It will however help you become the best version of yourself, who makes good choices to heal their body. I look and feel amazing being just me.


I never thought I could meditate, let alone LIKE to do it. But here I am with a regular practice that I look forward to every day. I used to stress out so much about what to eat, and now I feel like I choose what feels good because I listen to what my body is telling me.
